- D o w n l o a d T A : M V e r s i o n -
First of all you need to install TA:Mutation :
We recommand you to use the TA:M v0.13.3 or the TA:M v1.0.1
Read the readme file for help about the TAM installation.
TLL need TA v.3.1 and TA:CC.
You can download TLL race here : TLL TA:M v1. (18Mb)
Unzip the files into your TA-Mutation\TCs subdir.
You need to get this file (0.28Kb).
Replace the ][The Lost Legacy.tc file in TA-Mutation/TCs folder by the new one. (Make sure TLL was disabled in TA:M before)
When It's done, launch TA:M then select TCs click and select The Lost Legacy v1.0 and choose
Press "launch" and voilà !.
DOWNLOAD AI for TA:M version
Here's the AI, made by RAVEN TA ! read the readme.txt file before installing it.
Just extract in your TOTALA\TA-Mutation\AIs, launch TA:M select the lost legacy AI in the TA:M AI
tab. Enough blabling just download it here !
More info in the readme file.
DOWNLOAD the TLL AI Nuke pack, TA:M version
The TLL AI Nuke pack for TA:M is in Mutator format.
Just extract to your TOTALA\TA-Mutation\Mutators folder, launch
TA:M and select the TLL AI Nuke in the TA:M mutators tab. The pack
uses three weapon ID's so make sure to use Conflict Crusher if you
use TLL with any third party units. Download it here